Monday, October 31, 2011


I decided to create a collage where Spitalfields and Brick Lane collide.  The main difference between this next collage and the ones in the last post is that this collage had no underlying image but was made by bringing elements from each area together whilst the last collages had either Brick Lane or Spitalfields as the underlying image and elements from the other were placed on top.


The next step was to create my own language within these collages instead of using elements of Schwitters' Merzbau.

The following collage has been created by placing elements of Brick Lane onto Spitalfields Market.  (Please refer to the last post for the original photographs)

The next collage is the opposite effect where elements from Spitalfields is placed upon Brick Lane.


I have created two collages where elements of Schwitters' Merzbau have been placed upon Spitalfields and Brick Lane.  The two images placed at the bottom are the original photographs used whilst the two images on top show Schwitters' elements upon these photographs.


I have since developed the Graffiti idea and am now playing with spatial Graffiti.  After a tutorial, Kurt Schwitters' Merzbau was given as an example of how a space can be transformed using physical objects.



For the third part of the first project we had to create our first 2 minute film which had to be based upon the two characteristics that we had created in Project 1.2.

The video below is my first attempt at the film.  I believe that the first section works really well but once the dynamics and momentum of the film change, it does not portray the characteristics and the struggle between the two as I had hoped...


The next video is attempt number two.  I have kept the beginning of the film the same and have changed the rest, yet it is still not completely successful.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


For the second project we analysed our site through two different perspectives that we had chosen.

The first perspective was the perception of graffiti as art.  

The sections below show how the artists of Brick Lane begin to view the area surrounding Spitalfields Market as a 'blank canvas'.  An opportunity for graffiti to inhabit another area of the city.

The second perspective was the perception of art as vandalism where there is a desire to 'clean up' the walls of the city.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


For our first project we were asked to create a 'Chronogram' based upon the library sequence taken from Wim Wenders' 1987 film 'Wings of Desire'.  Within the drawing we had to map the movement of the camera in relation to the space and also the movement of the people in relation to the camera whilst also analysing the use of audio in the sequence.